## page was renamed from API HTTP Response Codes and Errors == HTTP Status Codes == The UploadBooth API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request. .'''200 OK:''' Success! .'''304 Not Modified:''' There was no new data to return. .'''400 Bad Request:''' The request was invalid. An accompanying error message will explain why. This is the status code will be returned during rate limiting. .'''401 Not Authorized:''' Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. .'''403 Forbidden:''' The request is understood, but it has been refused. An accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when requests are being denied due to update limits. .'''404 Not Found:''' The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exists. .'''406 Not Acceptable:''' Returned by the Search API when an invalid format is specified in the request. .'''500 Internal Server Error:''' Something is broken. .'''502 Bad Gateway:''' UploadBooth is down or being upgraded. .'''503 Service Unavailable:''' The UploadBooth is up, but overloaded with requests. Try again later. === Error Messages === When the UploadBooth API returns error messages, it responds in JSON.